Reinstate and compensate the teachers unlawfully dismissed from their duties. According to Public Service Act, all civil servants, officials and employees are entitled to rights in relation to their conditions of service including the right to seek redress for alleged violations of these rights from their Managing Ministry or the[Read More…]
An individual or institution claiming ownership of a piece of land should possess a legal document to attest, then, when for investment, it becomes a necessity and therefore a priority. Land issues are prickle in South Sudan as well as all over the globe, evidenced in the Russia –Ukraine war,[Read More…]
A legal expertise is required to offer an analytical interpretation on the matter between Jonglei state government and absentee civil servants; otherwise, a dark cloud and thunderbolt hover up in the sky. The national and state ministries of Labour and human resource development should enlighten citizens on the Civil Service[Read More…]
With “quiet preparations” going on right now in the country having political parties trying to slip their manifestoes into the hearts of the public, the nation’s democracy is already being questioned here by the public. So far, can anything good come out of South Sudan? Nathaniel, one of the 12[Read More…]
“Water is life” and without it, the fate of about 400,000 people living in Juba city is on the brink. Three days after Juba City Council issued a temporary regulation of water supply tariff, the morning hooting of water tanks that used to wake up those sleeping till sunrise, went[Read More…]
Media is the very source of mass communication. It is the main thing of mass communication. Media plays the most informative role in our society with various forms like traditional media and the internet. Through the media, you get to know what is going on in and around them. You[Read More…]
In commemoration of World no tobacco day, we inform the public on the dangers of using tobacco to have a healthy living and to protect future generations of this nation. In South Sudan, this is one an epidemic that is only getting continuous. As soon as you get out of[Read More…]
Despite immense and seemingly chronic food insecurity in the horn of Africa, the East African countries and neighbors in the horn of Africa face new challenge each season and are left with no alternative but keep fighting. “EA’s dependance on rain-fed agriculture makes it particularly susceptible to the vagaries of[Read More…]
It is very difficult these days to distinguish between a true servant of God and the fake prophets who only want to enrich themselves. Prior to the arrival of missionaries in Africa, Africans believed in their ancestors as their gods. They were worshipping mountains, hills, big trees, and cows, and[Read More…]
It’s heart-soothing that Unity State government strides up to aid over 10,000 returnees at Rubkona County with food and non-food item, but adding life skills in the package, would be much appropriate. South Sudan has witnessed more than 70,000 citizens returning from Sudan, in dire need of basic assistance. The[Read More…]
By Agoku Christine Taban The negative impact of the commonly bad practices of revenge attacks in South Sudan that take place between communities in the long run pin down the country’s children from enjoying their full rights of movement as others have that dream to adventure or to study in[Read More…]
Eagle-eyed activists are spot-on, to call on the government to prioritize and upsurge funding child protection, to ensure their proper upbringing. At the geneses of human race, God commanded the first couple to multiply and conquer the earth. That aimed at continuity of the mankind; likewise, the growth of a[Read More…]
By Agoku Christine Taban South Sudanese always believe that their leaders at various levels present them with genuine answers to their questions in case of uncertainties during debates in parliament sittings and their exact ways of holding each other responsible and accountable for their deeds. It is worthy sittings while[Read More…]
The indelible truth that more people are losing their lives to suicide in the country is so visible. It would not be surprising if a report came out portraying even more numbers inclusive of those in the states. Should we give ourselves to the wolves now because of wild the[Read More…]
Initiators and funders of the South Sudan Women Social and Economic Empowerment Project have touched the right pivot of development in the country. The $70 million International Development Association (IDA) grant approved by the World Bank is a long-awaited uplifting opportunity for women in the country, as long as the[Read More…]
High inflation volatility can harm economic growth through reducing consumers’ purchasing power. This causes uncertainty, leading to higher interest rates in extreme cases. It also leads to a breakdown in value of a currency as it happens in some other countries, which is why the situation in South Sudan is ongoing. This comes from the economic policy[Read More…]
Nation Talk
By Agoku Christine Taban Suicide cases among young people are rampantly increasing, based on news reports. This has been caused by different factors, which include limited possibilities for income generation, idleness, substance abuse, criminality, armed conflict, and gender-based violence. Many organizations that are supporting mental health and psychological awareness are[Read More…]
Long walk to freedom from crisis is only just starting
It is high time that the key ministries of life-affiliated issues hold public engagement and awareness events. The country needs to hear from the horse’s mouth because the citizens are drowning in the deep seas of despair, which is only getting worse by the day. The hope that would have[Read More…]
Nation Talk
By Agoku Christine Taban (Guest Writer) The dire economic situation in the country is making communities desperate as the local currency loses value against the United States dollar (USD). This is causing a rapid increase in commodity prices in the markets as well as transport costs. As some of the[Read More…]
More support needed from humanitarian organizations in Twic County, Warrap state
Press release Anticipating the rainy season that will worsen the living condition as well as increase the health needs, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) advocates for more support by the medical and humanitarian actors in Twic county of Warrap state in South Sudan. “The situation is still very severe”, declares Beatriz[Read More…]