
Backyard farming: A solution to Food-insecurity and Poverty in South Sudan

By Nicholas Lokuya Emmanuel Lemi   South Sudan is among the few countries in sub-Saharan Africa with huge potential in agriculture production owning to its absolute and comparative advantage over many countries within our region, in terms of soil infertility, availability of the fresh Nile waters, swamps and good climate[Read More…]

In our society, women must prioritize their own financial independence and personal growth. The alarming cases of violence and abuse linked to financial dependence on men are a stark reminder of the dangers faced by women who rely solely on others for their livelihood. It is high time for women[Read More…]

Beauty or British?

Speculating over the origin of scarification among the Nilotic. In a herd of cattle, there is usually variation in the color of cows; some may look black, others white or brown, yet they are all cows in the farmer’s eyes. This is called distinction without difference. A similar manifestation can[Read More…]

Tension in Kajo-keji is very high today because the authorities from South Sudan and Uganda did not speed up settling the border issues. In May Last year, foreign soldiers crossed the border and started killing SSPDF in the country.  What happened last year in Magwi County of the Eastern Equatoria[Read More…]

From last issue Returning to our topic is there a way out of our current economic afflictions? Before answering it, allow me to ask a few sample questions concerning some Departments: Will the Department of Health at the end of their tenure in 2024 say that they had delivered a[Read More…]

To start with, our currency SSP (South Sudanese Pound) has reached 1,000., (One Thousand SSP) to (one) 1 US$ Dollar from the Original 1US$ (Dollar) equal to 2 SSP and it is still climbing up more. The underlying reason for its continuous depreciation is because South Sudan is characterized by[Read More…]