

Breastfeeding is important to everyone According to reports, breastfeeding for the first six months is particularly crucial right now as South Sudan is currently going through a nutrition crisis and malnutrition rates have continued to worsen. More than 300,000 are expected to suffer from severe acute malnutrition in 2022 which[Read More…]


Gov’t should frustrating the unified forces The government should guarantee graduation of the unified forces so that the country does not hear more such news of fleeing, deserting training camps/cantonment sites by the already trained soldiers who are only waiting to be graduated so that they officially start their duty.[Read More…]


Improve midwifery services to save lives Midwives are very important people in any society. In South Sudan, we need them to save many lives; of new born babies, their mothers and even the fathers. Imagine how ruined the family would be if they lost their fully developed child before it[Read More…]


Include youth in the country’s developmental projects The regional Inter-Ministerial conference on Migration, Environment and Climate change, a three- day Conference on Climate Change facilitated by the International Organization for Immigration, that concluded yesterday with our President and his delegates attending the last day was meant to be a uniform[Read More…]


Empower Judges to boost justice If less pay and poor working condition forced judges to quit their jobs, who then will provide justice to the victims of the hideous crimes happening in the country? A 2018 report by the African center on Strategic Studies, indicates that the conflict has devastated[Read More…]


Tame food, fuel prices before doom falls on us   The citizens are demanding a sustainable solution for the increasing prices that are soaring while their hopes are going down the drain. Food is getting more expensive, fuel prices are going higher! Increasing transport costs are shocking people daily – they[Read More…]


AGRICULTURE AS SAVIOR AMID FOOD CRISIS  With the hunger crisis worsening and told to get worse by analysts, what does South Sudan have as a backup plan for the time when hunger hell is expected to break loose? The country falls under 10 countries in the world where extreme hunger[Read More…]


Daily boring talks on inflation won’t revive the economy Edmund Yakani once reported that mismanagement of resources by the leadership to serve individual interest instead of fighting for food security has impacted the country’s economy and stated that “corruption does not mean walking away with public money but manipulating decision[Read More…]


THE ROADMAP TO ELECTIONS AND PEACE The roadmap to elections and peace should be clear “Dutch Diplomat doubts South Sudan’s free, credible elections next year.” With the country’s much anticipated – or rather much mumbled elections next year but with other people or other spectators saying nay pessimistic opinions and[Read More…]


There should be an end to futile firing and appointing of officers Firing and replacing leaders, chiefs, governors, ministers at will does not guarantee that the latter will not be the same or worse than the former was before they were kicked out of office. There should be a deeper[Read More…]


Celebrating 2 years! It has been a milestone achieved for No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper A newspaper that started as an online paper in 2019 but morphed into hard copy on 14th July 2020; operating both online and physically during the Coronavirus Pandemic has stood its tide to become the country’s[Read More…]


Making promises repeatedly that one does not keep makes them a liar eventually Murders, sexual abuse, hunger, poverty, disease, civil wars are some of the issues that this country has been painfully going through from the time she gained independence and now issues of flooding and dredging of the Sudd[Read More…]


What next, after 9th July 2022 celebrations? It is 11 years today that South Sudan is operating under the fact of self-sovereignty. For a country still so young and growing, there are many times that she has fallen. We learn through our mistakes, they say. They also say that it[Read More…]


Being sovereign is going to need more than words of promise but evident progress As the country celebrates her 11th year as a sovereign state, she is still fragile given the many loopholes facing the people of the beloved country. As concerned citizens, they give solutions to lasting peace for[Read More…]


Character and skills are a great stepping stone for development Guiding the citizens to the right path for the benefit of the country is vey important and that means correcting the mistakes that are appearing like normal in the eyes of the country. With the alarming level of unemployment in[Read More…]


Would you leave home permanently to save your life from floods? “Simply building dikes is not the solution!” then what is? Over time from the first flash floods that the country experienced and which completely devastated the communities living in the lowland plains in the area of Unity, Bentiu and[Read More…]


Foregoing independence celebrations for graduation of forces seems solid For all the green lights for this country’s first general elections to hopefully be held next year that have been killed by a continuous series of destructions which according to the citizens would have been avoided, had dialogues held to create peace[Read More…]


Experts are what we are now waiting for to dredge or not to Continuing from yesterday’s “to drain or not to drain” a conflict that has not left the country the same from the time that the secretive agreement between the government and Egypt came to light after dredging equipment[Read More…]

Nation Talks

Happy second anniversary No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper Kiden Stela Mandela Today marks the second year after the birth of No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper, the print media house operated by young competent staff with the vision to be providers of information that fosters growth and development in all aspects of the[Read More…]


Since charity begins at home, parents ensure that your children receive quality education With the country celebrating her 11th year of independence very soon, the government is lobbying for the provision of equal access to quality education for all children in the country; especially the special children living with disabilities[Read More…]