LEADERSHIP AS GOD INTENDED: The ripples effects of a leader who walks in integrity Proverbs 20:7 NKJV

By Very Rev. Nathaniel Garang Aduotdiit   “The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him.” Little do leaders often know that it’s not always about them only, but the generation they are called to stand for. Human life is often compared to a seed. Once[Read More…]

Living a life free of worry

Abraham Anyon Ngoor Gorjok.   Be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made unto God. And the peace of God which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.Philipians4:6-7 Life in God is a life deigned[Read More…]

Pray without ceasing

By Abraham Anyon Ngoor Gorjok   Pray without ceasing. In everything, give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1thessalonians 5:17-18. In this kingdom where Jesus Christ redeemed us to enjoy life in its abundance, it is a place of of victory, triumph, peace[Read More…]