
Creativity is an inherent gift of God to humanity since existence and has no attachment to witchcraft or sorcery, though most often misconstrued.  To brand or label the 23-year, old Andrea Angelo Atoroba’s innovation as an act of evil practice doesn’t warrant any acceptance and should stop. In one of[Read More…]

Central Equatoria state governor, Emmanuel Adil Anthony is credited for appointing the first female mayor, H. W Flora Gabriel Modi, to lead Juba City Council. Unfortunately, the city mayor’s office witnessed lots of squabbles and intermittent appointments of one after the other within a short period. Such job instabilities characterized[Read More…]

Literally, South Sudan as a country craves peace; yet the citizens are armed to the teeth with illicit light weapons and small arms, which only breeds instability. Not that the absence of light weapons and small arms proliferation among the civil community automatically translates to peace, but it brings in[Read More…]

Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Bentiu camp in Unity state recently were on the streets protesting aid cut by humanitarian agencies, then, returnees in Magwi county of Eastern Equatoria state, followed suit. The two communities live under two different environments; yet face similar and common life threats. Whereas the IDPs[Read More…]

We at times lavish our appreciation to a different direction forgetting the one who deserved it. Absolution is required at this observation as we ponder on the JICA donation of three trucks and two Vans to Juba city council for garbage management. National minister for environment and forestry, Josephine Napwon[Read More…]

It would have been illogical if East African heads of state pulled out the regional force, yet their brother, Felix Tshisekedi’s house engulfed by flame. Innocent civil population of Goma region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is facing a disparaging mayhem from a mystic-religious group, fighting under the[Read More…]

The National Economic Conference initiated by the government of South Sudan through the Ministry of Finance and Planning is a good move to tap into innovative ideas for addressing economic challenges facing the country. The forum is an important vehicle to shape the economic landscape of South Sudan. The economic[Read More…]

As the status of transition is yet to be determined, with election conduct as the last card to be played; key impediments to election integrity are not being taken into consideration by the political actors, institutions, and the stakeholders responsible for overseeing the transition to democracy in South Sudan. The[Read More…]

Bright Stars’ FIBA Basketball World Cup triumph over China in Group B match at Smart Araneta Coliseum in Quezon City left us jubilating. Playing in the tournament for the first time, the basketball team is changing the narrative about our country. Encountering 83-115 points’ loss from Serbia was a dismaying[Read More…]

It’s high time the two Sudanese military leaders released dead end of their struggle for power has cost lots of losses in human lives, property and time, without any gain on both sides. Up from the onset of violence in Khartoum on 15th April 2023, we have witnessed increase in[Read More…]

Zooming 50 years into the future from now, stands before us prospects of either a desert or a forest, depending on how we treat the environment, today. South Sudan lays at the axis of the desert and is therefore vulnerable to the negative impacts of climate change. The environment is[Read More…]

Humans have a common tendency of blaming God, the devil and any other external factor in negative circumstances, forgetting our own strays from rules that govern operations of existence. On committing a crime, the devil becomes our lead conspirator to the act, while our habit is at play.  When poverty[Read More…]

Parliament and ministry of justice embroils ensuing on Tuesday, over production and printing of copies of the interim national constitutional for members of the August House was an insight for the oversight body. So, up to this day, the national Assembly operated without printed copies of the interim national constitution,[Read More…]

By Agoku Christine Taban (Guest Writer) In recent months, political parties, civil society organizations, international communities and other bodies have added their voices to the urge for the transitional government to expedite the implementation of the peace roadmap and ensure necessary policies are well-laid for the conduct of a successful[Read More…]

  It is found that now days, some medical professionals are involved in committing homicide in South Sudan which is not a reputable move. Health professionals such as doctors, clinical officers and nurses are supposed to be the ones giving advice on dangers of abortion to ladies under 18 years[Read More…]

Tuesday 15th August 2023 marked South Sudan’s launching of rectification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Most times, when talking about one’s rights, the common understanding is political participation, which is more of an honorary accolade, than a full recognition of a person[Read More…]

  The recent passage of the fiscal year 2023/2024 budget by parliament came with showdown from opposition lawmakers who staged protests by walking out of the parliament, citing displeasures with the way; the budget was presented for passage. The opposition MPs representing (SPLM-IO and section of SSOA) advocated for 600%[Read More…]

By Agoku Christine Taban (Guest writer) All eyes of South Sudan’s citizens are on the parliament where they believed their leaders discuss issues affecting them. Thinking new mechanisms on how to approach distribution of services and generating developmental agendas in a better manner. This is the very time; policy makers[Read More…]

By Agoku Christine Taban (Guest writer) South Sudan towns are awash with street children due to varied factors. As some are abandoned by their families, others become homeless on personal interests, and those robbed of parents by the ugly act of death. In other countries, street children get a home[Read More…]